Scholarships listings
Boy & Girl Scouting
and non scouting
To help to make a bringer diffent in a scout life.
Update June 3, 2015
Eagle Scouts Venturing
Order of the Arrow
Scouts Gold and Silver awards
school 4-H
Loans Military
Scouts top |
top |
of the Arrow top |
Scouts top
Gold Award Scholarships
Gold or Silver Award Scholarships
U.S. Army Youth Certificate Eagle Scouts
and Girl Scout Gold Award award ONLY |
Carolina 4-H
Helpful Hands, Healing Hearts |
- 4-H
Deadline to Apply: February 1,2012
College |
- Birmingham-Southern
College Eagle/Gold award
(Birmingham, AL)
COLLEGE Eagle/Gold award (Westminster, Maryland)
- Missouri
Valley College background in BSA, GSA, YMCA, YWCA,
Big Brothers/Big Sisters, 4H, Campfire, Goodwill Industries,
Boys Club of America, Junior Achievement of American
Red Cross are eligible to apply. .
- dddd
(open to all ) top |
high school |
Scholarship |
Loans top |
NEW update 2015 |
VETERANS AND THEIR FAMILIES full list new 6/2/2015
- VA
GI Bill
- 82d
Airborne Association must be a member
- Specialforces
Association must be a member
- 18th
Airborne Corps Association
- Scholarships
for Military Children (DECA) Commissaries are an integral
part of the quality of life offered to service members and
their families. The Scholarships for Military Children Program
was created in recognition of the contributions of military
families to the readiness of the fighting force and to celebrate
the role of the commissary in the military family community.
It is the intent of the program that a scholarship funded
through contributions be awarded annually for each commissary
operated by the Defense Commissary Agency worldwide.
- Fort
Bragg Area Officers' Spouses' Club Scholarships
Our mission is to support our community. The OSC Welfare program
accepts applications once during the OSC membership year,
in the Spring. The Scholarship program awards scholarships
to deserving high school seniors and continuing education
students. Our wonderful members and volunteers who participate
in fundraising activities, as well as all of you who shop
at the Buy & Bragg help to make these programs possible.
- Airborne
Scholarship Association
The mission of the Airborne Scholarship Association is to
provide merit based undergraduate school scholarships to the
Dependent Family Members of Veterans, Active Duty and Department
of the Army Civilians from Units within the XVIII Airborne
Corps to include the XVIII ABC HHBn, 44th MED BDE, 20th ENG
BDE, 16th MP BDE, 108th ADA BDE, 525th BfSB, 3rd Expeditionary
Sustainment Command, 35th Signal BDE or the 82nd SUST
BDE, who have served in these units since 11SEP2001.
- Army
Emergency Relief's MG James Ursano Scholarship Program Army
Emergency Relief (AER) is a private non-profit organization
with the primary mission of providing financial assistance
to Soldiers and their dependents in time of valid emergency
need. The MG James Ursano Scholarship Program was established
in 1976 as a secondary mission to help Army Families with
undergraduate college expenses for their dependent children.
The MG James Ursano Scholarship Program funds are limited
therefore scholarship awards are limited. The MG James Ursano
Scholarship Program offers scholarships based on financial
need, academics, and leadership/achievement for each academic
- Our
Family for Families First Foundation (Picerne Military Housing)
Our Family for Families First is a private charitable foundation
established by John G. Picerne in June, 2006. Our Family for
Families First is committed to supporting Army families in
the pursuit of higher education, establishing a tradition
of community service, and encouraging professional career
paths through education, internships, and mentoring programs.
- Military Officers Association of America
(MOAA) Scholarships
Students and families in search of options for funding undergraduate
education can check out available MOAA grants and scholarships.
Or find alternate funding options with MOAA's new Scholarship
- Military.com Scholarship Finder
Find millions of dollars in scholarships and grants
exclusively for the military community!
- Military Children's Scholarship Handbook
A college degree has become the essential tool to
unlock doors for future success. This handbook contains all
the latest information about getting a college degree, including:
types of higher education, resources for finding the right
college, entrance exams, financial aid resources, paying for
college, applying for federal student aid, Pell Grants, Direct
and Federal Family Education Loans, PLUS loans, Consolidation
loans, Federal Work-Study Program, ROTC, U.S. Armed Forces
and more.
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