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Our mission
Our mission for this site is to promote
scouting by providing how to join
scouting, mailing
lists, the adequate dates of events through out
the county, and other general scouting information. The information
we have provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge. If
you see that something is not right please let us know.
The scout's site started at palstation.com
along with Order of the Arrow (OA) Natisihi
Chapter. The Moore District site was started
in Nov 8, 1999, then was moved to bsapackman.com
on January 2002. In the year 2004 we have been online for 5
years on Nov 8, 2004. Big change was made July 25, 2005 MooreCountyBoyScouts.org
and Natisihi
Chapter.org be come live. The Natisihi Chapter
is more to the NatisihiChapter.org
in August 2005. January 7 2008, site make a new change new
look to the site.
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Nov 8, 1999 - Nov 8, 2014 15 years online
best view at 1024 X 768 higher Browers:
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March 11, 2015 2:22 PM
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1999 - 2015 bsapackman.com