more people use parks and recreation facilities, LEAVE NO TRACE® guidelines
become even more important for outdoor visitors.
Leave No Trace is a plan that helps people to be more concerned about their
environment and to help them protect it for future generations. Leave No
Trace applies in a backyard or local park (frontcountry) as much as it does
in the wilderness (backcountry).

We should practice Leave No Trace in our attitude and actions‹wherever
we go. Understanding nature strengthens our respect toward the environment.
One person with thoughtless behavior or one shortcut on a trail can spoil the
outdoor experience for others.
Help protect the environment by remembering that while you are there, you are
a visitor. When you visit the outdoors, take special care of the area. Leave
everything just as you find it.
Hiking and camping without a trace are signs of a considerate outdoorsman
who cares for the environment. Travel lightly on the land.