Woods of Wisdom Troop Program Features |
the Bridge Personnel. Webelos den leader, Scoutmaster, a Boy Scout, graduating Webelos Scout and his parents. Equipment. A rustic bridge on the stage or in front of the pack meeting room. The Webelos den leader stands on one end of the bridge with the graduating Webelos Scout and his parents. On the other end is the Scoutmaster with a Scout holding a rolled troop neckerchief. Webelos Den Leader (to the parents): During the years you and your son have been in Cub Scout• ing, we have had many opportunities to work together along the trail. Now _ _________(Webelos Scout's name) has reached the age of 11 and is leaving the pack to enter Boy Scouting. I am sure you are going to find the same satisfactions there that you found in Cub Scouting. As a symbol of the growth of your son and his entrance into Scouting, I ask that he stand before me where I will divest him of his Webelos Scout neckerchief. You and he will then cross over the bridge into Scouting, to be welcomed by Scoutmaster ________ (name) of Troop ________ (number). (After Webelos den leader has removed the Webelos Scout's neckerchief and saluted him, the Webelos Scout and his parents cross bridge and stand before Scoutmaster.) Scoutmaster (greets Webelos Scout and parents with handshake): As Scoutmaster of Troop _________ (number), it is indeed a pleasure for me to welcome you into the troop. We meet each week at (time) at ______ (place). We shall look forward to welcoming you at our next meeting. Scoutmaster (to boy): And now I present you with this Scout neckerchief. (Places rolled neckerchief around the boy's neck.) May you wear it with pride; its colors are those of Troop ____(number), which welcomes you as its newest memo ber. (All exit.) |
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