to Scouting
This impressive ceremony for Webelos Scouts can be used indoors or outdoors.
Advancement recognition ceremonies for the lower ranks may precede it.
Personnel. Webelos den leader (Akela), Scoutmaster, den
chief as torchbearer, Scouts from troop, graduating Webelos Scout and his
parents, senior patrol leader.
Equipment. A rustic bridge with a railing made of dead
tree branches and floored with scrap lumber; two campfires (artificial ones
for indoors); camp candle lantern.
Arrangement. Graduating Webelos Scout and parents and Boy
Scouts are seated around their respective campfires at opposite ends of
a rough bridge on an auditorium stage or on the ground. If indoors, the
room should be darkened. Webelos den leader asks Webelos Scout to stand
and repeat Cub Scout Promise. Then-
Webelos Den Leader (calls): Hello, Scouts of (name of
Scout camp).
Scoutmaster (answers): Hello, Webelos Scouts of Akela,
what do you desire?
Webelos Den Leader: We have a Webelos Scout of Akela's
council ring who has prepared himself for entrance into the council ring
of (name of Scout camp).
Scoutmaster: Bring him forward to the bridge that joins
our two council rings. (Webelos den leader leads graduating Webelos Scout
and his parents to bridge. Scoutmaster crosses over bridge and is introduced
to parents and Webelos Scout.)
Webelos Den Leader: (name),___________________
you have contributed much to your den and pack and we shall miss you and
your parents. Now you are leaving us to enter the Scout troop of your
choice. There, we are sure, you will continue to grow in Scouting skills
and friendships. An important part of your Webelos Scout uniform is your
neckerchief. Now that you are leaving our pack and Cub Scouting, will
you remove your neckerchief and give it to me? Soon, your new Scoutmaster
will place around your neck the neckerchief of the troop you are to join.
(Webelos Scout removes neckerchief and gives it to Webelos den leader.
Scoutmaster now beckons the graduate to follow him across the bridge.)
Scoutmaster (standing before Scout campfire):
As Scoutmaster of Troop_____________ (num-
ber) I welcome you and your parents. There are
many traditions in Troop _____________
(number)-so many that I would not attempt to relate them all to you now.
(Scoutmaster may explain one or two traditions and tell of important troop
activities planned for the near future.) Now it is my pleasure to present
you with the neckerchief of our troop. (He places neckerchief around neck
of incoming Scout.) Wear it with pride as many have done before you. Your
senior patrol
leader, (name), now wishes to express the troop's happiness in having
you as a member. (Senior patrol leader leads troop in a cheer for the
new Scout.)