Woods of Wisdom Troop Program Features |
in the Rain A long time ago a joker said, "Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." That isn't. really, true anymore because the scientists can seed clouds with chemicals to make rain fall- if there are clouds, that is. Next week we're going to be outdoors, possibly in foul weather, for our foul-weather cookout (or see'n'do). It may be snowing or raining cats and dogs while we're out there, but we'll be there just the same because this is not a fair-weather troop. It may not be 'as much fun as being outdoors on a sunny summer day, but it's part of outdoor life, and as Scouts we belong outdoors. As long as you have a poncho, warm clothes, and a pair of dry socks and underwear• in your pack, you can enjoy bad weather, tob .. At least I hope you: can. I like to see Scouts smiling in the rain because a real Scout is cheerful even when things aren't 100 percent perfect. The weather,' and' life, aren't always predictable. One of the lessons you is hould be learning as Scouts is to be prepared for foul weather as well as fair. So the key worlds for next week's outing are "Be prepared" and "A Scout is cheerful." If you follow that advice you'll have a 'fine time, no matter what the weather .. |
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