Woods of Wisdom
Troop Program Features

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    Our Flag-A Symbol of Us

    (The troop is lined up and stands at attention.
    Flag bearer is at front with spotlight [flashlight] on troop flag).

    Narrator (at side): Franklin K. Lane, in The Makers of the Flag makes the flag say to us "I am whatever you make me, nothing more. I am your belief in yourself, your dream of what a troop may become. I live a changing life, a life of moods and passions, of heartaches and tired muscles. Sometimes I am strong with pride, when boys do an honest work, fitting the rails together truly. Sometimes I am loud, garish, and full of ego that blasts judgment. But always, I am all that you hope to be, and have the courage to try for." Our flag is a symbol of us. 'Ib some people our flag is just a piece of cloth. To others it is just a flag. But to me it represents more than I could say here tonight in such short time.

    It represents ... what happened at camp one time-one of our boys cut his foot and had to be taken to the hospital.

    It represents ... the time I was invested as a Tenderfoot Scout; the times I helped invest others.

    It represents ... a lot of cold nights in camper tents and a lot of joyous days in the sun.

    It represents ... the first night at camp when we get little sleep.

    It represents ... the long trail from Tenderfoot to Eagle and the joys and satisfactions that come from attaining those ranks.

    I believe our troop flags are neglected too much.

    Our troop flag represents the Scoutmaster, assistant Scoutmaster, our committee members, our chartered organization representative, and many others.

    I think we could say that our troop flags are the hearts of troops. We should fly our troop flag at every opportunity and especially when we go tent camping.

    So fellows, let's keep our troop flags flying!

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