of the Eagle Ceremony 2
The candle-lighting Scout Oath and Law ceremony is done by the Scoutmaster
and 12 Scouts.
The candidates move along the "Eagle Trail" as the voice of
the Eagle explains each rank. This ceremony also includes the Scout Oath
spoken by the new Eagle Scouts.
This court begins with a welcome, invocation, introduction of honored
guests, and flag ceremony/Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a Scout Oath
and Law ceremony.
(Twelve Scouts, each having an assigned point of the Law to present, proceed
onto the stage and line up directly behind the candle log, in the order
that they are to speak. They should be at least 2 feet behind the log.
The Scoutmaster lights the Spirit of Scouting candle.)
Scoutmaster: Before you stands a single, lighted candle. It represents
the spirit of Scouting. The law of this troop is the Scout Law. Scouts
also live by another code, which is the Scout Oath or Promise. The Scout
Oath describes three duties that every Scout must accept-duty to God and
country, duty to others, and duty to self. Repeat with me this Oath as
I light the three candles representing these duties. (The Scoutmaster
uses the Spirit of Scouting candle to light the three Oath candles as
the Oath is spoken. The Scout reciting the first point of the Law moves
up to the log, lights his candle, gives the Scout sign, and says the "'trustworthy"
text loudly and clearly. See The Official Boy Scout Handbook. The other
11 Scouts follow the same procedure, in order. Each Scout uses the Spirit
of Scouting candle to light his candle. After the twelfth point of the
Law, the Scoutmaster and Scouts return to their seats.)
The court is now officially opened, and the "Trail of the Eagle"
begins. (The voice of the Eagle can be taped before the court of honor.)
Master of Ceremonies: At this time we wish to
present Eagle candidates and
_______ , who will be taken to the foot of the Eagle ladder by their honor
guard escort. (As the Eagle candidates reach the back of the room, the
lights dim-selected spots stay on.)
Voice of the Eagle: This is the voice of the Eagle, the Eagle
whose heights you have struggled hard to reach. We remember well when
you first came to the base of the cliff, and how you looked up with ambition
and determination. Look back for a moment; look down the cliff you have
climbed; look at the experiences you have encountered in your ascent.
These experiences should not be forgotten. You should profit by making
sure adverse experiences do not occur again. Experience is a valuable
teacher, if you heed its teachings.
We remember when you took your first step upon the trail that leads upward.
With that first step you began to build yourself physically, mentally,
and morally. You started living the Scout Oath and Law. All the while
you were on the trail, we watched you study and we saw you learn by doing.
First, you were only a Scout. Then your brother Scouts called you a Tenderfoot
... and they were right, you were indeed a Tenderfoot Scout. (Honor guard
and candidates walk slowly to Tenderfoot sign.)
Soon, you reached the second ledge, and there you were greeted by a large
group of Second Class Scouts. To reach the rank of Second Class, a Scout
learns to work with members of his patrol and he begins to develop patrol
spirit. (Honor guard and candidates walk slowly to Second Class sign.)
Some, like you, were stopping to catch their breath before continuing
along the trail. You began to study more, you worked harder, and almost
before you knew it you came to another ledge where the First Class Scouts
dwell. When a Scout
reaches the rank of First Class in Troop ________ , he is really first
class. He is an expert in the outdoor skills of camping, cooking, hiking,
and first aid. (Honor guard and candidates walk slowly to First Class
There you found a tempting green meadow by a crystal-clear stream bathed
in the sun. Here you were tempted to remain. Yes, you could have remained
there to live in First Class glory, but your ambition stirred you on.
We remember your advancement to Star Scout. A Star Scout learns to work
with the younger boys in the troop, passing along the knowledge he has
gained. (Honor guard and candidates walk slowly to Star sign.)
The trail from First Class to Star was not as difficult as it had seemed.
This spurred you on, and again you climbed farther. The trail was steeper,
and was less worn. Fewer Scouts seemed to be headed in your direction.
You looked down and saw the crowds below you. You looked up and saw a
above you and, with the same determination with which you started your
climb, you continued up the trail. A Life Scout demonstrates leadership
in the troop, and takes part in community service projects. (Honor guard
and candidates walk slowly to Life sign.)
Soon, the Life Scout badge-the heart badgewas placed on your uniform.
You will never forget your thoughts at that moment-the feeling that has
been experienced by most Scouts on reaching the ledge of Life: "Now
I am close to the Eagle; I will carry on." The trail became tougher,
but more interesting. The original principles, the Scout Oath and Law,
now had a fuller meaning. Your understanding of them was greater. The
rank of Eagle is Scouting's highest award. The Eagle Scout must earn the
specified number of merit badges and must plan, develop, and carry out
an extensive service project, giving leadership to others. He must also
serve as a troop officer for a specified time. (Honor guard and candidates
walk slowly to Eagle sign.)
Yes, we have \vatched your character unfold and become mature; we have
seen your understanding of citizenship expand; we have watched your mind
develop and your wisdom increase; and we have observed your leadership
ability growing into a valuable asset. We have seen all these things in
you, and now that you are at the threshold of your goal we welcome you,
for you have done your climbing in a true Scoutlike nature. (Stage lights
on fun• house lights on half.)
Will the escorts for the Eagle candidates please escort them to the stage?
(Escorts then return to
their seats.) Scoutmaster , have
Eagle Candidates and __________ conducted themselves in a manner that
exemplifies Scouting?
Scoutmaster: They have.
Voice of the Eagle: Eagle candidates, you will rededicate yourself
by repeating the Scout Oath. Repeat it slowly as you stand beside the
three lighted candles. Each one represents a part of the Oath. Resolve
to uphold forever its principles with the same ambition and perseverance
that has brought you this far. (Candidates repeat Oath.)
The law of the Eagle is the Scout Law. Your fellow Scouts have told you
the Law, which you know so well. Take heed of this advice and wisdom.
Your conduct along the trail has been excellent. You have rededicated
yourselves to the principles of Scouting. You have heard again the call
of the Eagle. But, one more thing is important-your future. As an Eagle,
you become a guide to other Scouts. You become an example in your community.
Remember, your actions are then a little more conspicuous, and people
will expect more of you. To falter in your duties would reflect not only
upon you, but also on your fellow Eagles. The torch you carry is not yours
only, but ours as well.
Now, my fellow Eagles, let this not be the end of your Scouting, but go
on to greater heights and give other boys the benefit of your experiences.
(The Eagle candidates are given the pledge of the Eagle, their parents
are escorted to the stage, and the Eagle badges and parents'recognitions
are presented. A guest speaker gives the Eagle challenge and charge, and
the court of honor closes with a benediction and the retiring of the colors.
Reception and refreshments follow.)