Woods of Wisdom Troop Program Features |
of the Eagle Ceremony 1 Voice of the Eagle (VOE) ceremonies are popular throughout the country. Each unit seems to have its own version or adaptation. Two VOE ceremonies are included here. Senior Patrol Leader: Please stand for the presentation of colors. Advance the colors. Color Guard Leader: (Comes forward and lets color guard reach its position.) Will the audience join us in the Pledge of Allegiance? Scouts, salute. (Dip troop flag. Lead the Pledge of Allegiance.) Two. Post the colors. Color guard retreat. (Scouts return to seats.) The audience may be seated. (Leader be seated.) Senior Patrol Leader: I would like to welcome you to Troop___________ (number) Eagle Court of Honor. It is my pleasure to introduce Mr. _______ , who is the chairman of this court of honor. (Be seated.) Chairman: I would like to invite all Eagle Scouts, including adults, to stand at this time. (Pause.) Thank you, you may be seated. It is my pleasure to introduce who will lead us in our invocation. Narrator: (VOE narrator remains out of sight, using microphone or sound system.) Will Eagle Candidate(s) please come forward? This is the voice of the Eagle, the Eagle whose heights you have struggled hard to reach. We remember well when you first came to the base of the cliff, and how you looked up with ambition and determination. Look back for a moment; look down the cliff you have climbed; look at the experiences you have encountered in your ascent. These experiences should not be forgotten. You should profit by making sure adverse experiences do not occur again. Experience is a valuable teacher, if you heed its teachings. We remember when you took your first step upon the trail that leads upward. With that first step you began to grow physically, mentally, and morally. You started living the Scout Oath and Law. All the while you were on the trail, we watched you study and we saw you learn by doing. First, you were only a Scout. (A Scout steps out and takes designated place on stage.) At that time your brother Scouts called you a Tenderfoot ... and they were right. You were indeed a Tenderfoot Scout. (Tenderfoot steps out and takes place.) Soon, you reached the first ledge, and there you were greeted by a large group of Second Class Scouts. (Second Class Scout steps out and joins Scout and Tenderfoot Scout.) Some, like you, were stopping to catch their breath before continuing along the trail. You began to study more, you worked harder, and almost before you knew it you came to another ledge - the ledge where the First Class Scouts dwell. (First Class Scout steps out and takes his place.) There you found a tempting green meadow by a crystal-clear stream bathed in the sun. Here you were tempted to remain. Yes, you could have remained there to live the First Class glory, but your ambition stirred you on. We remember your advancement to Star Scout. (Star Scout steps out and takes his place.) The trail from First Class to Star rank was not as difficult as it had seemed. This spurred you on, and again you climbed farther. The trail was steeper and less worn. Fewer Scouts seemed to be headed in your direction. You looked down and saw the crowds below you. You looked up and saw a few above you and, with the same determination with which you started your climb, you continued up the trail. Soon, you earned the badge of Life rank. (Life Scout steps out and takes his place.) The heart badge was then placed on your uniform. You will never forget your thoughts at that moment. This feeling has been experienced by all Scouts on reaching the ledge of Life Scout: "Now I am close to the Eagle, I will carry on." The trail became tougher, but more interesting. The original principles, the Scout Oath and Law, now had a fuller meaning. Your understanding of them was greater. Yes, we have watched your character unfold and become more manly. We have watched your leadership expand into a valuable asset. We have watched your mind develop and your wisdom increase. We have watched all these things in you and now that you are on the threshold of your goal we welcome you, for you have done your climbing in a true Scoutlike manner. This is the voice of the Eagle. (Chairman steps forward. Scouts be seated.) Chairman: The awarding of the Eagle badge is an important and serious occasion, the climax and the goal for which a Scout works many years, an occasion for pride and joy, a time for serious contemplation. It is the culmination of efforts of the various leaders of this (these) Scout(s). The Eagle Award is the highest and most coveted rank in Scouting; the last major step in the advancement program. Fewer than 2 percent of all Scouts in the United States reach the Eagle rank. At this point, we trust you have achieved our purpose in the building of character, training of leadership, and the practice of service. The requirements for the Eagle rank are as follows: . a. Earn 21 merit badges, including 11 which are required (specify). b. Serve actively in a troop position for a period of 6 months after becoming a Life Scout. c. Plan, develop, and carry out a service project worthy of an Eagle Scout. d. Appear before a board of review of prominent persons and satisfy them that you have done your best to understand and live up to the Scout Oath and Law and, in all ways, qualify for the Eagle Scout Award. Careful examination has been made by the court as to the qualifications of this (these) applicant(s) for the Eagle Scout Award. Mr. ____________________ proficiency in the various crafts and skills prescribed for Eagle rank has been checked, and the records of merit badges earned by the Scout(s) have been approved and certified by the counselors appointed by the court. The Scout(s) has (have) qualified on the basis of merit badge achievement. Eagle candidate _________________ has earned ________ merit badges. Mr._________________ , the applicant(s) has (have) demonstrated his (their) capacity and willingness to exert leadership in activities that are constructive and worthwhile in this community. The record has been checked in troop leadership, school affairs, and in other fields of work and service. He (they) has (have) demonstrated loyalty and duty to God and country. We believe him (them) qualified to receive the rank of Eagle Scout. Mr. ____________________, the following is a resume of ___________________'s personal and Scouting history (Read resume.) Narrator: This is the voice of the Eagle. I speak for the Eagle Scouts of this council. We challenge the Scout to accept the responsibilities as well as the honor ofthe Eagle Scout Award. These responsibilities are as follows: An Eagle Scout is to live with honor. His honor is sacred; it is the foundation of all character. An Eagle Scout will live so that he reflects credit upon his home, church, school, friends, and self. May the white of your badge remind you to live with honor. An Eagle Scout is to be loyal. "To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." Neither pain nor profit, pride nor personal loss shall sway his loyalty. The blue on your badge is the emblem of loyalty. An Eagle Scout is to be courageous. Courage gives all character force and strength. With trust in God and faith in his fellow man, he faces each day unafraid and ~eeks his share of the world's work to do. Let the red of your badge remind you of courage. Finally, an Eagle Scout is service-oriented. Extend a helping hand to those who toil along the Scouting trail you have completed, just as the others have aided you. The daily Good Turn must take on a new meaning and better the life pattern of service. Protect and defend the weak and helpless; comfort the unfortunate and oppressed. Uphold the rights of others as well as your own. Remember, real leadership is founded upon real service. Chairman: In recognition of these obligations, I ask you to reaffirm the Scout Oath or Promise. (Applicants give Scout Oath.) Will Mr. ________ come forward as a representative ofthe National Council, Boy Scouts of America, and administer the Eagle pledge? (Read National Council letter. ) Chairman: Will the Eagle applicant(s) escort his (their) parents to the front? Fellow EagleScout(s), we now proclaim to all the world your accomplishments. The symbol of your success is the Eagle badge and neckerchief, which will now be presented to your parents by_______________ . Your parents will, in turn, pin the badge over your heart and place the neckerchief around your neck. (Pre- sentation of badge.) Eagle Scout ________ , in recognition of the wisdom and guidance given to you by your father, will you present to him this Eagle tie bar, which he will be proud to wear in your honor? (Pause.) And now, also in recognition of the many hours of patient guidance given by her in your efforts, will yon pin the Eagle mother's pin over your mother's heart? (Scout gives his mother a kiss.) Eagle scout(s), will you now escort your parents back to their seats, and return to the front? Now Eagle Scout(s)__________________ will you advance your name on our board to Eagle rank? (Pause until return.) As you see (display plaque), your name(s) has (have) been placed on our permanent Eagle plaque for all time. Chairman: I would like to read the following letters. (Read any congratulatory letters, etc..) I now have the honor to present to you this gift Cir any) from Troop in recogmition of your outstanding service to this troop' and of becoming an Eagle Scout. I would like to introduce______________ , who will now give the Eagle charge. Speaker:______________ I have , the honor of giving you the Eagle Scout charge on the occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting. Eagle Charge (speaker may use own text if desired): The Boy Scouts of all nations constitute me of the most meaningful and significant movements in the world's history, and you have been counted worthy of high rank in its membership. All who know you rejoice in your achievement. our position, as you well know, is one of honor most responsibility. You are (a) marked men (man). As (an) Eagle Scout(s), you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to country, to fellow Scouts, and to humanity. This is a great undertaking. As you live up to your obligations, you bring honor to yourself (yourselves) and your brother Scouts. When you fail, you bring down by so much the good name of all true and worthy Scouts. Your responsibility goes beyond your fellow scouts, to your country and God. America has many good things to give you and your children under you, but these good things depend, for the most part, on the character and leadership abilities of her citizens. You are to help her in all that ,he needs most. She has a great past. You are here to help make her future greater. I charge you to undertake your citizenship with solemn dedication. Be a leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold, to the highest level of service to God and your fellow men. So live and serve, that those who know you will be inspired to the finest living. We have too many who use their strength and their brains to exploit others and to gain selfish ends. charge you to be among those who dedicate their kills and abilities to the common good. Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship, and evidence for God, and whatever others may do, you rill leave behind a record of which every Scout lay be proud. Chairman (closing remarks as desired, followed y benediction): You are invited to remain for the reception for Eagle Scout(s) following our benediction by (benediction.) This Eagle court stands adjourned. |
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