Woods of Wisdom Troop Program Features |
3 (Attractively draped table on which two candles burn. The Us. and unit flags flank the table. Scouter stands behind it. The candidates are brought before the table.) First Class Scout: The Scouts of Troop ________ , District________________ present candidates _______________(name), __________________(name), ________________(name), and ___________(name) for the award of First Class rank. Scouter: In the days of chivalry, when a squire had earned the right to carry sword and shield, it was customary for him to retire to the privacy of the chapel for a vigil of prayer. There, surrounded by his weapons, he communed through the night with h.is Maker, praying that he might prove worthy of the honor and that he might never bring disgrace to his knighthood, either in thought or in deed. Just as highly as the knights of old do we, who are the Scouts of today, value our honor.. As a First class Scout, yours will be the opportunity and the right to demonstrate to all the world our code, to which a true and mature Scout is forever bound. Are you ready to take this additional pledge, which will aid you in living as a true scout? Candidates: I am. Scouter: Then take again the Scout Oath, knowing that you are now more able and worthy of living up to its highest challenge. Candidates, attention! (All rise and give the Scout sign.) Repeat the Oath. Candidates: On my honor I will do my best ... Scouter: Two! I congratulate you on having reached Scout maturity. You will now face our audience. (Scouter pins badges and gives each candidate the Scout handclasp) |
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