Woods of Wisdom Troop Program Features |
Eagle Scout Court of Honor Points to Consider It normally requires approximately 5 weeks following Eagle board of review approval to receive the Eagle badge, certificate, etc., from the national office. Therefore, the Eagle Scout court of honor should be scheduled approximately 6 weeks after board approval. If done properly, planning will require 6 weeks. Many elected officials will send a personal letter to the Eagle Scout, if this request allows them sufficient time. These include the president, members of Congress, governors, mayors, etc. Request such letters using the proper format and address as soon after the board of review as possible. Be sure to provide the Eagle Scout's full name and the date of his court of honor. The troop advancement chairman and/or Scoutmaster should call a meeting of two or three of the unit committee and the Eagle Scout's patents and senior patrol leader (provided he is not the Eagle Scout) to plan the complete program. By using the suggestions and outlines in this manual and delegating specific responsibility to specific individuals, everything should go fine. Be sure the plan is written to avoid misunderstandings. The troop committee should establish a standard of presentation items to be provided to the Eagle Scout at the court. This standard should apply to all Eagle Scouts on a continuing basis. Establish who should pay for certain items-the troop, mother's club, Eagle Scout's parents, etc. Do not set precedents that will be an economic hardship for any family. Items to be considered might include the Eagle Scout ring, neckerchief, or belt buckle, as well as Eagle-theme cake and refreshments. Secure early commitments from members of the court and speakers. Send them a friendly reminder or a copy of the program about a week before the court of honor ceremony. Invitations can be purchased at the local council service center, or a simple but distinctive form can be prepared by the unit or the parents on a duplicating machine. Whichever method is selected, it should be done soon after the court date is selected for early mailings. The planner should assist the Eagle Scout's parents in composing a list of all persons who have helped the boy earn his Eagle rank, including Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, fellow Scouts (past and present), post Advisors or assistants, parents' committees, sponsors, merit badge counselors, teachers, church members and leaders (past and present), community leaders, school pals, and the boy's relatives. No other event can win parents' support better than a good Eagle court of honor. of Honor Sample Outline Introduction
An Eagle court of honor is always newsworthy, and newspapers usually like to have stories about the Eagle Scout recognition ceremony. Relating news items to the media is important; a slip can damage the total impact of the recognition The ceremony should be held in an unusual setting so the event will be memorable for the boy and those attending. Suggested places could be around a campfire, aboard a naval vessel, in a church, school auditorium, courtroom or judge's chambers, or other place of dignity. Do not select a theater, country club, etc. Selection of participants depends upon the place, unit preferences, and the type of ceremony. Generally the boy's mother and father, Scouting coordinator, or Scoutmaster makes the presentation. It is preferable to have at least three people active in the presentation: one to give the charge, one to make the official presentation of the badge and credentials from the national office, and one to pin the badge. Other Eagle Scouts of the unit or district or the unit senior patrol leader may take active roles in the ceremony or act as ushers, Eagle badge pillow bearers, flag bearers, etc. Printed programs add a touch of class to an Eagle court of honor. Again, these do not need to be expensive; a duplicated, typed copy will be acceptable. (Eagle program covers are available from the council service center.) |
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