Woods of Wisdom Troop Program Features |
Campfire Ceremonies As the glowing campfire embers fade and die, the campfire should be closed on a note of quiet inspiration, with reference to the value of the ideals of Scouting in our daily lives. The Scout Oath Have all Scouts give the Scout sign and repeat together the Scout Oath. Do not follow this with the Scout Law, which may be repeated so much that it can lose much of its meaning. The Scout Law For a closing ceremony, repeat one point of the Scout Law in its entirety. The leader in charge states the heading of this point and another leader responds with the explanatory portion of the point. The Scout Benediction Have all stand, bow their heads, and repeat together: "May the Great Master of all Scouts be with us until we meet again." Then the Scouts leave the area quietly. Silent Prayer All campers bow their heads and the leader says, "A Scout is reverent ... He is faithful in his religious duties, and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion. Amen." Tattoo with Echo Have the camp bugler stand some distance from the council fire area and play "Tattoo." Then have him repeat this quite softly. By using two buglers, the echo will be heightened. Brotherhood Circle |
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