Woods of Wisdom Troop Program Features |
Half-Troop Teams Facing Lines Steal-the-Bacon Variations Blindfold Steal-the-Bacon Equipment: Three neckerchiefs. Method: Two equal teams line up facing each other, about 20 feet apart. Each team counts off. Neckerchief (bacon) is placed midway between teams. The leader calls out a number. The boys called are blindfolded, spun around three times, then headed for the bacon. Teammates shout directions. Scoring: The first player to bring home the bacon without being tagged scores 1 point for his team. If a player is tagged by his opponent while touching the bacon or bringing it back, the opponents score a point. Horse and Rider Steal-the-Bacon Equipment: One neckerchief. Method: Two teams line up as above. The leader calls out two numbers. The smaller of the two boys jumps on the back of the other, who then gallops for the bacon. Scoring: Same as above. If a horse touches the bacon, the opposite team scores a point. |
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