Woods of Wisdom Troop Program Features |
Whole Troop Patrol Corners Observation Equipment: Pencil and paper. Method: A Scoutmaster or a junior leader who is a good storyteller tells a dramatic story to the group. It should take about 3 to 5 minutes. While telling the story he will do several things, such as mopping his brow, buttoning his shirt, walking up and down, etc. At the end of the story, each Scout is asked to write down not what the storyteller said, but what he did during the story, in the order that he did it. Variation: After the end of the story, send the group out of the room for a few minutes. Move things, such as chairs, pictures, patrol flags, etc., around the room into different positions. Call the group in and have them write down any changes in the room appearance. Scoring: The Scout with the most accurate account of the storyteller's doings or changes in the room is the winner. |
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