Woods of Wisdom Troop Program Features |
Patrol Teams Active Crossing the Alligator Pit Equipment: For each patrol, three spars 6 to 8 feet long, three 6-foot lashing ropes, four guy ropes. Method: Mark the "alligator pit" on the ground; it should be 20 feet across and as wide as necessary to accommodate your patrols. Patrols line up on one side of the pit. On signal, they lash together a triangular "walker," using a shear lashing at the top and diagonal lashings for the crossbar. Near the top, they attach four guy lines, using two halfhitches. The patrol then stands the walker upright and one member climbs on the crossbar. One or two Scouts man each guy line and "walk" the walker across the pit by tipping it from side to side and moving it forward. Scoring: The first patrol finished wins. Note: This can be a timed contest if you don't have enough spars for all patrols. |
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