Scouting Resource
  • Works best with
  • Our mission
  • Works not as well
  • JavaScript
  • Best if Viewed
  • The idea of scout resources section was a long time idea in mind and now is online now. The year was add was 2003.

    Works best with
        Internet Explorer 6.x and up, Neo planet 5.x
       100% (works with this kind browser)

    Works not as well
        Opera 5.x ,Netscape 4.79, Netscape 7.x, Mozilla 1.4, Mozilla Firebird 0.6.1
        90% (not every thin works with this kind browser)

    And have JavaScript enable or will not work right.

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    by 1024 - 768 or higher

    Our mission

    Is to have all information you need in one spot for you. Most of all have safe place you can get the information for your units.
        Our mission for the scout resources is to give you the best information we can from A - Z if we can.

    Site is to promote scouting by providing the adequate dates of events through out the county, how to join scouting, mailing lists, and other general scouting information.The information we have provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge therefore, if you see that something is not right please let us know.

    The scouts site started at along with Order of the Arrow (OA) Natisihi Chapter. The Moore District site was started in Nov 8, 1999. Then the district site was move to on Januarys 2002.

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    Copyright 2003 - 2010
    update: November 21, 2009