Moore District Occoneechee Council
Boy Scout of Moore County, North Carolina
Frequently Asked Questions About Training

How can I earn the "Trained" leader emblem?

The "Trained" emblem may be worn by all leaders, youth and adult, who have completed the basic training program appropriate to their positions. It may be worn only in connection with the emblem of office for which basic training has been received.

Hi! I'm an "old" leader (I guess "experienced" would be a better word!). I've been considered "trained" for years. Do I have to start over again?

(more details)

Absolutely not, you are still considered trained by the Boy Scouts of America if you successfully completed the following courses prior to September 2001:

  • Boy Scout Leaders — Scoutmastership Fundamentals, Scout Leader Basic Training; completion of either means you are trained.
  • Cub Scout Leaders — Cub Leaders Basic Leader Training.
    If you have completed all of these courses, you are considered "Trained" by the Boy Scouts of America for someone in your position.

OK. I'm "Trained". But may I still attend a training session?

Absolutely, Scouting is no different from any other major organization - things change. If the last time you went through adult leader training was ten years ago (or greater), I'd recommend attending New Leader Essentials and Position Specific Training at some point just to see what's new. If you are an experienced Scoutmaster or Cubmaster, you should probably come see what your new adult leaders are being exposed to.

Hi! I'm a new Tiger Den Leader. I've never been to Adult Scouter training before. What training do I need to take and in what sequence?

As a new Tiger Den Leader you need to take the following courses in this order to get the most out of your initial scouter training experience:

  • Fast Start: See your Cubmaster or Pack Trainer to schedule yourself for a training session with a District Training Committee Member. Training calendar 2007
  • Youth Protection Training: See your Cubmaster or Pack Trainer to schedule yourself for a training session with a District Training Committee Member.
  • New Leader Essentials: see council page or Moore district
  • Position Specific Training - Tiger Cub Den Leader: Normally completed on the same day as New Leader Essentials. See the Occoneechee Council Web Site for the next course date, page.

Once you have completed all of these courses, you are considered "Trained" by the Boy Scouts of America for someone in your position.

What happened to Triple-T (Train-The-Trainer)?

Triple-T was redesigned and became the Trainer Development Conference (TDC).

What is TDC?

Trainer Development Conference (TDC) is a 1-day (all day) course designed to acquainted leaders with the BSA-preferred principles, methods, and techniques of training. The conference is held by the council or by a cluster of councils. TDC culminates with pledging to adhere to the Trainers Creed and becoming a registered resource for future district and council training events.

Who is required to have completed Trainers Development Conference (TDC) when participating on an Occoneechee Council Course Staff?

The recent revision to the Occoneechee Council Training Administrative guide states that only the Course Director is required to complete TDC (unless the course syllabus states otherwise). This change in policy recognizes that many Scouting Courses require external instructors from outside the scouting family. It is not feasible to require these individuals to attend TDC prior to participating on a course staff. It is incumbent on the course director to ensure that all staff members meet the requirements outlined in the course syllabus. On another note, TDC is a great course and I would encourage everyone to take the course.

What is training Continuum within the BSA?

The training continuum is the building blocks of Scouting within the BSA. It starts with Fast Start, transitions to New Leader Essentials (more details), then to Program Specific Basic Leader, Outdoor Training and culminates with Wood Badge for the 21st Century.
Within Outdoor Training it also has a continuum of training. For outdoor training is starts with BALOO (more details), then on to Webelos to First Class, then Outdoor Leadership skills and culminates with Powderhorn (more details).

Lastly, there is continuous training that provides specific information for leaders that enable them to participate in specific activities. Course in the continuous training area include: (more details) Health & Safety, Youth Protection, Safety Afloat, Safe Swim Defense, Climb on Safety, Bike Safety and others. Many of the courses offered in conjunction with continuous training are only good for a specified tenure and must be retaken on a periodic basis.

Is there a over view of all these traing programs.

Yes, there is Training Terms Information list them all. If I have miss one let me know. This is a list I have work on to help better understand Training.

Please report any broken links.

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